Exhibit at Electrify Wairarapa
22nd - 23rd November 2024
Copthorne Solar-way Park
Book your exhibition space at Electrify Wairarapa Conference and Expo
Exhibitor Spaces

Indoor 2 x 6M

Indoor 2 x 4M
Indoor cubicles include 1 delegate ticket, meals for Friday 22nd November (breaks and lunch), table and chair, access to wifi and power.
BYO own extension lead / multi power boards.

Manned Bar Leaner
Manned bar leaner includes 1 delegate ticket, meals for Friday 22nd November (breaks and lunch), access to wifi and power.
BYO own extension lead / multi power boards.

Unmanned Bar Leaner
Unmanned bar leaner includes access to wifi and power.
BYO own extension lead / multi power boards.

Lawn Stall
Lawn stall includes 1 delegate ticket, meals for Friday 22nd November (breaks and lunch), access to wifi and power.
BYO own extension lead (lengthy) / multi power boards.
Electrify Wairarapa is the first in a series of electrification education events, including an event at Kaiwaiwai Dairies on 5 December 2024.
© Sustainable Wairarapa